Your Tools Make A Difference

Is there a magic pill to make you more productive? Or more efficient? What about a magic pill to make you more organized? Or “on top of it?”

No. BUT… there are solutions that can always be found if you are using the right tools.

Having worked with and in many different industries, we have found some of the best tools around for keeping us efficient, productive, organized and on top of it. We want to share with you some of our favorite tools in our toolkit:

We have been working with Trello for 5+ years and in a short period of time we have converted many organizations and businesses in using this dynamic organizing application. It is almost too simple, but it works. Some of our clients use it for monitoring production flow and work-in-progress, other clients use it for project management. Trello is an impressive tool that helps keep us connected to each other and the work at hand in the most organized fashion.

Soapbox (as described on their website) is a Chrome extension that enables anyone to record, edit, share, and measure presentation videos. There is a free version of the product, but the paid version with additional offerings are reasonably priced. Soapbox is made by Wistia, which also boasts some really cool features such as their interactive captions tool for video. We use soapbox to share short tutorials addressing specific client issues.

You probably know this by now, but Beck X Co loves Squarespace. When creating a new website for our clients, we work exclusively with this platform for a reason. Compared to Wix, Wordpress, and other website builders Squarespace is far superior. The built-in integrations offered are the best, the support is fantastic, and they have the most intuitive back-end which makes our job of training clients on how to maintain their website once it is built super easy!

We use the products found in the Adobe Creative Cloud every single day and wouldn’t know how to function without them. Whether it is creating logos, editing photos, or purchasing visual stock, Adobe is where it's at.



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Increasing Specificity